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is a network of people who use sharing and exchanging books (i.e. book crossing) to active micro-groups. We reclaim a variety of neighborhood spaces to build libraries that function as community meeting places. We use a book club model to encourage community development and to increase access to alternative forms of continuing education, such as each one teach one sessions, workshops, round-tables, etc. 


We begin this process with a thorough analysis of the community and its context; we then prepare a 2 year plan of growth for the library, which we together with the community implement and periodically verify the original plan's assumptions. We use this approach to identify and train Local Leaders. After the two year period of individually-tailored mentoring, the Local Leaders are ready to take over our the work of a specific site, help create new sites, and join the network of Library Leaders to forum meaningful, methodology-focused, and economic partnerships. 



the first library opened in August 2012

since then, 4 libraries across the country opened and are fully functioning; 

we've collected 20000 books

and organized 70 events



KSIĄŻKI W PUDLE (BOOKS BEHIND BARS PROGRAM) is a social awareness campaign, and a program of promoting access to culture (through literature) for inmates. The public campaign aims to create awareness of the decimal state of the prison libraries in relation to one of the highest library use in the country (80% of inmates visits the prison library on regular basis). Beyond building awareness, the campaign is a book-collecting and book redistribution (to prisons) initiative.  


The campaign provides inmates with access to books and is the basis for a program that promotes engaged reading. We closely collaborate with prison librarians, social workers, and guards to create new models of points of access to culture. Similarly to Neighborhood Book-Crossing Libraries, we use book club model to encourage community development and to increase access to alternative forms of continuing education, such as each one teach one sessions, workshops, round-tables, etc. 



the first book-collecting and donation took place in December 2012

since then, we've established collaboration with 38 prisons

we've donated 160000 books

and have organized 5 events/activities 

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